
I'll testify again if needed says Boschi

Guidi 'did not especially insist' on amendment

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 5 - Reforms and Relations with Parliament Minister Maria Elena Boschi said Tuesday she would be willing to testify again to Potenza prosecutors probing a Basilicata oil project if it were necessary.
    Boschi gave evidence to the prosecutors in Rome Monday on an amendment to the Tempa Rossa project - an amendment over which industry minister Federica Guidi resigned last week amid accusations of favouring her oil-industry boyfriend.
    "If the judges need (me) again I can answer their questions again," Boschi said on the Raiuno talk show Porta a Porta.
    The minister also denied there being any undue government interest in Tempa Rossa.
    "There was no interest of any kind on the part of the government," she told host Bruno Vespa, replying to conflict-of-interest accusations.
    Boschi also said there was "no particular insistence" on Guidi's part regarding the amendment.
    Premier Matteo Renzi has said Boschi was duty-bound to sign off on the amendment, which he said he had personally sponsored.

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