
I don't attack magistrates

The more sentences the happier we are

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 5 - Premier Matteo Renzi on Tuesday denied attacking Potenza magistrates over the alleged slowness of their cases. "I read in the papers today 'Renzi accuses magistrates': come off it. The guy accusing magistrates was here a few years ago (Silvio Berlusconi). We urge magistrates to go as fast as possible and speak with their sentences. The more sentences there are the happier we are". He added: "according to Italian law people are condemned if they have a definitive sentence". The Renzi government has been rocked by a southern Italian oil probe which spurred the resignation of industry minister Federica Guidi over a phonecall to her oil-industry boyfriend telling him about a favourable government amendment.

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