
Govt unfit for office says M5S (2)

Beholden to oil industry 'business committee'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 4 - The government is unfit for office because it is beholden to oil industry lobbies, a no-confidence motion filed by the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) said Monday. An ongoing investigation has revealed that what the M5S called "a business committee" has de facto occupied government in order to serve the interests of oil companies and firms linked to "individuals in personal relationships with cabinet members", the motion says, adding "the premier and other ministers" are incompatible with their office. Premier Matteo Renzi is guilty of "grave omissions" in failing to protect the country "from the pernicious effects of the commingling of public and private interests, which appear to prosper where they should be prevented," the motion continued. Deputy House Speaker Luigi Di Maio (M5S) said his party wants the motion voted on "as soon as possible". "We want to send this government home," he told participants in an M5S protest in the southern Basilicata region.

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