
Egypt has 2,000-page dossier on Regeni

Italian research found murdered in Cairo in February

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Cairo, April 4 - A 2,000-page dossier has been prepared in view of Tuesday's visit by a delegation of Egyptian investigators to Rome to share information on the murder of Italian researcher Giulio Regeni, daily newspaper 'Al Shourouk reported Monday, citing security sources. Regeni, 28, went missing in Cairo on January 25, the heavily policed fifth anniversary of the uprising that ousted former strongman Hosni Mubarak, and his mutilated body was found on February 3 in a ditch on the city's outskirts. Egypt has denied speculation its security forces, who are frequently accused of brutally repressing opposition, were involved in the death of the Cambridge doctoral student. "The interested bodies have prepared a dossier of 2,000 pages on the case giving an outline of the crime and the disappearance of the body, as well as investigations on 200 people of different nationalities who had relations with the victim".

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