
Transport strike impact varies by city across Italy

In Milan, prefect guarantees service for Expo, Turin postpones

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, May 15 - Friday's 24-hour national public transport strike called by base labor union USB has had a varied impact on major Italian cities, including Milan where a block was placed on the strike.
    On Wednesday, Milan's prefect issued an injunction to prevent the strike in light of the need for transport infrastructure to facilitate visitors in the city for Expo 2015.
    In Turin, the strike was postponed until Sunday, May 24, because of the city's 28th annual International Book Fair, which started on the 14th and runs through the 18th.
    In Rome, meanwhile, the strike took place as scheduled, affecting buses, underground and trams for 24 hours with the exception of guaranteed service during commuter hours from start of service until 8:30 am and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
    USB labor union said the strike was called "against the Jobs Act (labour reform), savage privatizations, continuous raising of the retirement age, and severe penalties due to a national contract freeze going on eight years now".

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