
Renzi govt passes two more Italicum confidence tests, final vote Monday

Vote for final approval set for Monday

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 30 - Premier Matteo Renzi's government prevailed on Thursday in two more confidence votes in the Lower House on its 'Italicum' bill introducing a new election system.

The executive had already won the first of three confidence votes it called on the bill on Wednesday and the controversial reform is now set to face a vote for final approval on Monday. 

The main opposition parties on Thursday snubbed the third of the three confidence votes.

The move came after talks between the House whips of Silvio Berlusconi's centre-right Forza Italia, the Northern League, the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, the Left, Ecology and Freedom (SEL) party and the rightwing Brothers of Italy (FDI) group, ANSA sources said.

There were scenes of mayhem in the Lower House on Tuesday when the government announced it would call three confidence votes to push the bill through what Renzi hopes will be its last reading in parliament. Opposition parties called the government "fascist" for its decision to put the bill to confidence votes, which limit debate and pressure coalition party MPs to toe the line or risk bringing down the executive.

There has also been staunch opposition from within Renzi's own centre-left Democratic Party (PD).

On Wednesday PD bigwigs such as former party leader Pier Luigi Bersani and ex-premier Enrico Letta were among 38 rebels who disobeyed party orders and did not vote for the bill.
But around 50 other PD MPs opposed to the Italicum gave their votes despite their dissent.





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