
Italy Air Force to cut to 75 warplanes

General Preziosa says Italy cannot afford to retain air fleet

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Ciampino, March 31 - Italy must cut its Air Force from 250 warplanes to just 75 "in the near future," Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Pasquale Preziosa said Tuesday.
    Speaking at a celebration to mark 92 years of the Italian Air Force, the general said "budget needs obliged us to make important re-sizing of structures and means." "We have cut spending in every sector, but we have sought as much as possible to safeguard one - training, and today our pilot training schools have become a worldwide point of reference".
    "In the near future what we guaranteed yesterday with 250 aircraft will be done only with 75 aeroplanes. That is what our country can afford today".

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