
7.4 mn Italians to travel at weekend

For April 25 Liberation Day, 2.3 bn euros to be spent

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 22 - About 7.4 million Italians plan to travel at the long weekend leading up to Liberation Day on Monday, April 25, said hoteliers' association Federalberghi on Friday.
    Nearly nine in 10, or 89.4% of those who plan to travel said they will travel within Italy.
    Total spending at the weekend on travel expenses is estimated at about 2.3 billion euros, said Federalberghi, with a 3.3-night average stay and average spending of 313 euros.
    "It's an encouraging result that consolidates signs of recovery in the sector," said Federalberghi President Bernabò Bocca.
    The most popular destination is the seaside (43.6%) followed by major art cities (21.9%) and the mountains (18%).
    Of the 10.1% who plan to travel abroad, 58% will visit European capital cities.
    Nearly one-third (28.6%) of travellers plan to stay at the home of family or friends, while 26.4% plan to stay in a hotel.

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