
Italy wines better than French

'Ours more expensive' says Hollande

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Verona, April 11 - Italy beats France when it comes to wine, Italian Premier Matteo Renzi said Monday while visiting the 50th edition of the Vinitaly wine fair in Verona.
    "Our wine is better than French wine," Renzi said.
    Renzi said that when he told French President Francois Hollande the same thing, Hollande replied "ours is more expensive".
    "Game, set, match to him," Renzi joked about the traditional rivalry with France, which was outstripped by Italy in 2015 as the world's biggest producer of wine.
    Italy harvested the equivalent of 48.8 million hectoliters of wine, up 13% on the previous year, while French vintners harvested 46.45 million, down 1% on 2014.
    During his visit to the exhibition, the premier told ANSA that Italy's goal is to reach 50 billion euros in food and wine exports by 2020, up from 36.9 billion today.

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