
Benini denies book fair was pro-Palestine

After cops clashed with pro-Palestinian protesters Saturday

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 13 - Turin Book Fair Director Annalena Benini on Monday denied that the five-day event had been pro-Palestinian after Saturday's clashes at a demonstration organised by pro-Palestine movements.
    "Not a little was said about this topic, a programme was carefully constructed in which everyone was given a voice, especially people who have seen and been to places of conflict," said the first-time director.
    On Saturday some of the activists at the pro-Palestine 'all eyes on Rafah' demonstration forced open the barricade gates at the entrance to the Turin Book Fair to try to enter, and were repelled by the police with shields and batons.
    "The book fair is Zionist sh**," said the protesters, who kicked the barriers around the main entrance, then announced that cult leftist cartoonist Zerocalcare would be among them to demonstrate. (ANSA).

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