
Ferragni sues L'Espresso for Joker front page

Glaring bid to vilify women on day they should be feted says

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 7 - Chiara Ferragni on Thursday sued news magazine L'Espresso over its cover photo showing the embattled influencer as the Joker.
    The 36-year-old businesswoman, who is going through a very public separation from husband, 34-year-old rapper Fedez, and is embroiled in several probes into allegedly bogus charity endorsements, instructed her lawyers to warn the left-leaning mag from going ahead with the cover on Friday, International Women's Day, saying it is "a glaring bid to vilify women on a day when they should be celebrated".
    Ferragni said Sunday that she is going through a "tough time" amid legal woes linked to the allegedly bogus charity product endorsements and her marital crisis with Italian rapper and TV personality Fedez, but that her problems are relatively small.
    Late last year Ferragni found herself at the centre of a storm amid allegations that she had unfairly profited from charity sales of a 'designer' version of the popular Italian Christmas cake 'pandoro', an Easter Egg and a Barbie-like doll modelled on her that are being investigated.
    Last month it emerged that the 34-year-old rapper whose real name is Federico Leonardo Lucia had moved out of their new Milanese penthouse where they live with their two children, Leone aged six and Vittoria aged three.
    "These two and a half months have been a bit of a tough period, but my issues are small compared to the tragedies of the world," she told Fabio Fazio on his popular talk show Che Tempo Che Fa on Nove.
    "If I have misconstrued, I will give everything back," continued Ferragni, reiterating that she acted "in good faith".
    On her rumoured split with Fedez, she said: "Federico and I speak to each other, we are two adults who care about each other".
    "It's not like you stop speaking to each other from one day to the next," she added.
    "It's a moment of crisis, we've had other crises in the past, this is a slightly bigger crisis," Ferragni told Fazio.
    "Now the priority for both of us is the children," she continued, adding that she wanted to "live more the present".
    "I've never stopped to live the present, and instead social media isn't everything, even if it's my dream job life outside has to be lived," concluded Ferragni. (ANSA).

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