
Turin showcases Macchiaiolis' art revolution

90 works by 30 artists including caricatures

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 2 - A new show opening in Turin Saturday will showcase the artistic revolution of the 19th century Italian Macchiaioli movement.
    The exhibition on the historic anti-academic group that fore-ran Impressionism and laid the foundations for modern painting runs from February 3 to April 1 at the Mastio della Cittadella in the northwestern Italian city.
    It features 90 works by 30 mostly Italian artists including Fattori, Cabianca, Signorini, De Tivoli and Boldini,as well as some French artists including Troyon, Rousseau, Daubigny, Dupré, Millet and Corot.
    Caricatures will feature alongside paintings in the show, titled "The Macchiaoli and Open Air Painting in France and Italy".
    Curator and art historian Simona Bartolena said "the show recounts the Macchiaioli from a different standpoint from usual, because it focuses on the birth of painting 'en plein air' and the comparison with France, not with the Impressionists, who were subsequently outdoors, but with the Barbizon School which, on the other hand, was the common root of the Macchiaioli and the Impressionists". (ANSA).

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