
ANSA brand top for reliability - Reuters (3)

Italians trust ANSA most, Il Sole 2nd, Sky TG24 third

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, June 14 - The ANSA brand is top in Italy for reliability, according to the annual Digital News Report by the Reuters Institute.
    ANSA scores 7.36 out of 10 for reliability among those who have heard of the brand, rising to 8.06 among those who actually use it.
    ANSA comes ahead of Il Sole 24 Ore (6.89%), Sky Tg24 (6.81%), TgLa7 (6.73%), Rai News (6.59%), Corriere della Sera (6.55%), La Repubblica (6.3%), La Stampa (6.21%), Il Fatto Quotidiano (6.12%), HuffPost (5.87%), Mediaset (5.78%), Yahoo News (5.68%), Il Giornale (5.65%) and Porta a porta (5.51%).
    The scale was measured on answers to the question How trustworthy would you say news from the following brands is? In the scale, 0 is 'not at all trustworthy' and 10 is 'completely trustworthy'. The report said the debate and the concerns on fake news may help explain relatively low trust - a long-standing trend that is mainly attributable to the partisan nature of many Italian news outlets. Brands that are most trusted - like the Italian main news agency ANSA, the business newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, and Sky Italia's newscast SkyTG24 - are generally those that are known for lower levels of politicisation.
    The ANSA website rose from fourth to third in the latest annual Reuters survey of Italian news sites per number of users.
    "It is an unusual example of a news agency that gives a direct offering to the consumer and attracts a significant number of online unique users", the report said.
    The top two were La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera.
    photo: ANSA Editor-in-Chief Luigi Contu

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