
2 open tenders for news-agency services (2)

News agencies strike against EU tenders

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 21 - The government's media department confirmed Tuesday that contracts for news agency services starting in the second half of 2017 will be stipulated via two open tenders, one for the civil service and the other for the foreign ministry and diplomatic network, and resources would remain the same as 2016. "The competition will be divided into lots, the department said, so as to guarantee both the principle of pluralism of information and access for small and medium-sized firms." It added that anti-corruption body ANAC would oversee procedures. Luca Lotti, the sports minister with the media portfolio, said the government's priority was safeguarding jobs, "as it has been in the past few years".
    Italy's news agencies, including ANSA, struck for three hours on Tuesday against the government's decision to put the services out to competitive tender from any provider in the EU.
    photo: Lotti

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