
Dog found behind Virgin of the Rocks (2)

Vinceti says 'indictment against corruption of papacy'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 2 - Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci painted a so-far-undiscovered dog into the background of one of his most iconic masterpieces to subtly condemn the corrupt papacy of his time, one of Italy's top art experts said Thursday. Silvano Vinceti, the president of the national committee for the valorization of historic heritage, said a dog with a lead, symbolising faith in Jesus's original message, had been detected behind the master's famed Virgin of the Rocks in the Louvre.
    "That dog is an act of indictment by Leonardo da Vinci against the corruption of the papacy of the age," said Vinceti. Vinceti, who was at the centre of the finding of Caravaggio's bones at Porto Ercole and the remains of the model for Mona Lisa in Florence in recent years, said the discovery was made by Roberto Biggi, a researcher for the committee.
    The dog was detected behind vegetation in the backdrop of the masterpiece. "We achieved this result with a new work (method), via the use of a mix of the most advanced technologies and simple instruments," he explained.
    "A special magnifying glass enabled us to carefully examine every feature of the painting and then an advanced photoshop software enabled us to overlay, decompose and recompose it".
    The dog peeping out from the vegetation, Vinceti said, "enables us to give a wholly different reading of the Virgin of the Rocks".
    He said that "for Leonardo the dog has a precise meaning, 'no to disobey', as he himself writes in one of his folios. The leash, then, is an addition because it represented in medieval and Renaissance hunts the tool that enabled the feudal lord to stop dogs eating the prey.
    "For Leonardo, therefore, the dog on a leash is the symbol of man who must obey God, the divine Commandments, Jesus, the life that Jesus perfectly embodied to express Christian love".
    The discovery, therefore, consolidates an interpretation of Leonardo as the depository of a rigorous religious belief. "Up till today his paintings have been addressed from the standpoint of technique and painting style," Vinceti said, "but we have lost sight of the fact that Leonardo, through the composition of his paintings, achieved a narration, expressed a thought that becomes image.
    "When he writes 'painting is the beautiful that clothes the truth' he clearly indicates his intentions.
    "Leonardo certainly could not express certain criticism against the Papacy, because back then there were Innocent VIII, Alexander VI, the Borgia popes and above all the Inquisition". Hence the idea that Leonardo chose to voice his criticism of the papacy of his time via iconographic language: "That dog on a leash above St John the Baptist in the composition is the indictment that Leonardo makes of the corruption of the papacy back then which privileged temporal power over spiritual power," Vinceti concluded.
    "Leonardo uses the painting to express his thought and request for a rigorous Christianity that may revive the example of God for the Commandments and Jesus as expressed in the Gospels".

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