
'Django Unchained' actress charged

Watts accused of lewd acts in public after scene in parked car

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Washington, October 22 - Danielle Watts, best known for her role in Hollywood hit movie Django Unchained, is facing charges of lewd conduct after police said she had sex in a car parked on a public street.
    Watts, 28, was stopped in Los Angeles last month by police in connection with the complaint.
    She and Brian James Lucas are expected in court on November 13 and if convicted, could face as much as six months in prison and a fine of $1,000.
    Police said Watts, who played a slave named Coco in the film, complained at the time that she was targeted because she is black and was therefore the victim of racial profiling.
    Lucas alleged police accused Watts of being a prostitute.

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