
Venice a superstar on Google Art Project

More collections on platform than any other Italian city

The Doge's Palace in Venice

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Venice, April 10 - Venice leads the country on Google Art Project. Works by Titian, Tintoretto and Bellini adorn the online platform that lets the public access high-resolution images of museum artworks. The high number of digitized images comes thanks to a partnership between the Internet giant and the Civic Museums of Venice, which include The Doge's Palace, The Glass Museum of Murano, and the famed Accademia. The partnership began in November 2013 with some 150 high-res images and has since more than doubled to 370. Among them are Titian's fresco of St. Christopher at the Doge's Palace. From the Doge's Palace, Google users can enjoy a fresco depicting St. Christopher by Titian, The Apotheosis of Venice by Paolo Veronese, Neptune Offers Venice the Riches of the Sea by Giambattista Tiepolo and Paradise by Jacopo and Domenico Tintoretto - which at 22 meters wide and seven meters high is the biggest canvas in the world. Moving to the museum of Ca' Rezzonico, users are given access to masterpieces from the 18th century, such as genre scenes by Pietro Longhi, ceiling decorations by Giambattista Tiepolo, and landscapes by Canaletto. Meanwhile the museum of Palazzo Mocenigo at San Stae showcases rare textiles and costumes, including sumptuous dresses of the 18th century. Using Google Street View, users can even take a virtual walk through the Doge's Palace and the Ca' Rezzonico.

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