
EIIS summit to focus on climate, health and food

Cooperation between public, private sectors on agenda May 10-11

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 8 - The increasingly clear connection between climate, health and nutrition and the possible cooperation between public and private entities, different sectors and professions for a significant impact are among the themes on the agenda of the new edition of the European Innovation for Sustainability Summit scheduled to take place on May 10-11 at Rome's Palazzo Orsini Taverna.
    Organized and hosted by the European Institute of Innovation for Sustainability (EIIS), in cooperation with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) of the United Nations and with the institutional support of the European Parliament, the third edition of the summit will gather over 80 representatives of political, scientific and academic institutions, companies and organizations of civil society and sport.
    "Climate change represents the worst crisis humanity has ever faced", said Andrea Geremicca, the director general of EIIS.
    "It is a crisis that we will have to solve together while dealing with it alone.
    "The problems are clear, but what are the opportunities? Which concrete solutions can be implemented by companies, governments and institutions? We will be talking about this at the summit", he explained.
    Alvaro Lario, the president of IFAD, said "climate change and demographic growth are giving impulse to innovation in the food and agricultural sectors.
    "An increasing number of investors are opening their doors to new and interesting opportunities to improve living conditions in rural areas", he noted.
    The head of the office of the European Parliament in Italy, Carlo Corazza, said that, "between June 6 and 9, millions of citizens will be called upon to renew the European Parliament and, once again, the need to respond in a concrete manner to the challenges connected to climate change, including those regarding healthcare and food, will be at the centre of the next legislature's agenda".
    The event scheduled to take place on May 10-11 in Rome will include presentations, round tables, workshops and an exhibit area.
    Visitors - around 3,000 people are expected at the two-day event - will also help choose the best solution which will be awarded at the end of the summit.
    "If we are alone on the path to sustainability, we won't get far.
    "In order to obtain results, new forms of cooperation are necessary between entities that can also be very different and that, up until today, did not need to share knowledge, tools and objectives", said the president of EIIS, Carlo Alberto Pratesi.
    "In order for this meeting to take place, digital platforms aren't enough, it is necessary to meet in person", he concluded.

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