
Falcinelli's mum says Miami cops 'inhuman' treatment of son

Reminded me of Gestapo torture films says Studenicova

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 7 - Matteo Falcinelli's mother Vlasta Studenicova told ANSA Tuesday that Miami police had been "inhuman" in their treatment of her son when they allegedly hog-tied the 25-year-old from Spoleto for 13 minutes after arresting him outside a nightclub in the Florida city in February.
    "I was literally shocked' by the bodycam images," she said.
    "Seeing that torture footage I felt sick,.
    "They did something inhuman to him, which I remember seeing only at school when they made us watch films of how the Gestapo tortured prisoners in concentration camps: they went beyond all limits." (ANSA).

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