
Two more workers die as spate continues

Both near Naples, this year's toll up to 193

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 2 - Two more workers died in accidents in Italy Thursday as a spate of workplace accidents that has brought condemnation from President Sergio Mattarella and trade unions continued.
    In the first incident, a 57-year-old worker fell from the third floor of a building around which a construction site was being set up in the Naples area.
    In the second one, again near Naples, a 60-year-old worker died at a building site at Casalnuovo.
    Workplace accident insurance agency INAIL said Wednesday that 191 workers had lost their lives in accidents this year, 2.6% down on last.
    With the latest deaths, that toll is now 193.
    President Mattarella said in a May Day speech that every such death was unacceptable, while unions called for urgent action to stem the fatal tide. (ANSA).

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