
Sardinia town to let nudists marry on the beach

San Vero Milis near Oristano in 'equality' move

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 30 - A small town in Sardinia is set to let nudists get married on its storied beach.
    Luigi Tedeschi, Mayor of San Vero Milis, near Oristano, said it was a "question of equality" in authorising weddings for naturists on the local Shell Beach, one of eight nudist beaches in Sardinia out of 23 across Italy.
    "All the brides will need to wear will be a nice veil for tradition's sake," he said.
    The move comes after a request from two German naturist tourists.
    photo: an archive snap of nudists at a beach in France (ANSA).

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