
Unions announce strike action and demonstration in April

Big protest march in Rome possibly on April 20

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 14 - two of Italy's largest trade union confederations, CGIL and UIL, on Thursday announced new strike action and demonstrations in April over a number of labour-related issues including workplace safety, union representation, health sector policies and tax reform. The idea, said CGIL Secretary Maurizio Landini, is to "give continuity to the mobilization" so far.
    CGIL and UIL have agreed to hold a national assembly in Florence next Friday, which Landini said "will be used to decide on a mobilization with a strike to be held in April for safety and against deaths at work and an initiative to arrive at a law on representation".
    In addition, the unions are reportedly planning "a big demonstration in Rome, the date under consideration is Saturday April 20" focusing on "health and the need for a real tax reform".
    Photo: CGIL Secretary Maurizio Landini (ANSA).

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