
Boy killed by avalanche in South Tyrol

16-year-old died while skiing off-piste at Plan in Val Passiria

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 4 - A 16-year-old boy died on Sunday after being hit by an avalanche while skiing off-piste at Plan in Val Passiria in the northern South Tyrol region.
    The victim is said to have been on his own and his family raised the alarm on Sunday evening when he failed to return home.
    The avalanche risk along the Italy-Austria border in this part of South Tyrol is currently at level 3 (considerable) out of 5 on the European Avalanche Danger Scale.
    Sunday's casualty is the second person to have died due to an avalanche in the region in recent days. (ANSA).

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