
Oseghale life term upheld in murder of Mastropietro

Nigerian pusher gets definitive sentence

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 23 - The supreme Courtt of Cassation on Tuesday court definitively upheld a life term for Nigerian pusher Innocent Oseghale for killing and cutting up 18-year-old Roman woman Pamela Mastropietro outside Macerata in Marche in January 2018.
    The 32-year-old Oseghale killed Mastropietro on January 30 that year at Pollenza.
    Mastropietro's murder prompted a rightwing militant, Luca Traini, to shoot and wound six African migrants in a drive-by 'revenge' shooting in Macerata days later.
    He was sentenced to 12 years in jail for that in March 2021.

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