
Sentence on CGIL HQ raid confirms fascist matrix - Landini

'Assault on the house of workers and union that represents them'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 20 - The conviction of Forza Nuova (FN) national leader Roberto Fiore and the far-right party's Rome chief Giuliano Castellino for their roles in a raid on the headquarters of the CGIL trade union after an anti Green Pass COVID health certificate protest in the capital in October 2021 "confirms that that action was not a simple episode of generic violence with a fascist matrix, but a genuine assault on the house of workers and the union that represents them", CGIL general secretary Maurizio Landini said on Wednesday.
    "Riding on the protest against the government's emergency measures following the Covid-19 epidemic, the leaders of Forza Nuova led some of the demonstrators to assault the CGIL as a democratic symbol, causing serious disorder and the devastation of the national headquarters," he added of the October 9, 2021 raid.
    On Wednesday a Rome court handed Fiore a prison term of eight years, six months, and Castellino went down for one month more than that.
    When the sentences were read out, a shout of "people like us never give up" could be heard in the courtroom.
    There were also shouts of "shame" outside the court and some people did Fascist salutes.
    Several other people had already been convicted over the raid in fast-track trials. (ANSA).

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