
66% of disabled women have undergone violence - Locatelli

In over 87% of cases perpetrator among people closest to them

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 24 - More than 66% of women with disabilities in Italy have experienced violence and in 87% of cases it has been perpetrated by those closest to them, Disability Minister Alessandra Locatelli said on Friday.
    "There is work to be done, and in addition to the associations, it is important to also join forces at institutional level, with (Equal Opportunities) Minister Roccella, (Welfare) Minister Calderone and the world of education, so that a culture of respect can be achieved starting from the earliest age," Locatelli told a special meeting of the National Observatory on the Condition of People with Disabilities.
    "The issue of violence against disabled women is very frequent and little understood," she added. (ANSA).

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