
Salvini threatens strike injunction if common sense fails

Unions have called a 24-hour public transport strike on Monday

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 23 - Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini on Thursday threatened to issue a new injunction in relation to a nationwide 24-hour public transport strike called by grassroots labour unions for Monday November 27 if common sense does not prevail.
    "I do not accept a 24-hour public transport stoppage because it would be chaos," said Salvini.
    "If (the unions) use common sense I will not intervene, but if they plan to bring the whole of Italy to a halt for 24 hours I will do everything the law allows me to do to prevent it from happening," he added.
    Earlier the transport ministry issued a statement saying a letter had gone out inviting the trade unions that have called the strike to desist.
    In the event of a negative response the union leaders will be summoned to the ministry for discussions, the statement added.
    Salvini's remarks are the latest episode in an ongoing row with unions over strikes in the transport sector.
    Last week he issued an injunction limiting a one-day strike called by trade union confederations UIL and CGIL in protest against the government's 2024 budget bill to four hours in the transport sector after the nation's strike watchdog said the stoppage did not meet the requirements for a general strike and should be rescheduled.
    The unions and opposition parties accused the government of attacking the right to strike and the watchdog of being compliant to the executive's demands. (ANSA).

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