
Migrants: Over 143,600 arrived via Central Med this year

Irregular EU border crossings highest level since 2015 - Frontex

Redazione Ansa

(see related story on Lampedusa) (ANSA) - ROME, NOV 15 - Frontex said Wednesday irregular crossings at the EU's external borders added up to around 331,600 in the first 10 months of 2023, the highest total for the period since 2015, with the Central Mediterranean remaining the busiest migratory route.
    The EU border agency said more than 143,600 people arrived via the Central Mediterranean route between North Africa and Italy in the January-October period, the highest total for this route for this period since 2016.
    It said the number of monthly detections on this route dropped 50% month-on-month to October to nearly 9,600.
    "Sea crossings continue to present extreme dangers," Frontex said.
    "Data from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) indicates that 2,468 people have been reported missing in the Mediterranean this year, the majority of whom were navigating the Central Mediterranean route". (ANSA).

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