
Monitoring Campi Flegrei, zero risk doesn't exist-Musumeci

Evacuation tests needed at Pozzuoli says mayor

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 3 - The government is monitoring the Campi Flegrei volcanic area near Naples after a 4.0 magnitude quake spooked residents Monday night following a 4.2 mag tremor last week, and that "zero risk does not exist" of a major earthquake there, Civil Protection Minister Nello Musumeci said Tuesday.
    "Zero risk does not exist: we are monitoring the situation. If there had been attention 40 years ago, perhaps today we could have eased the situation," he said.
    Pouzzuoli Mayor Luigi Manzoni said "evacuation tests are necessary in Pozzuoli, they will take place in the coming days".
    "On the schools, I reassure parents," he said.
    'The seismic activity," he added, "should have been attended to and monitored in Pozzuoli all along and instead they didn't do it". (ANSA).

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