
La Russa denounces 'steady stream' of work-related deaths

Everyone needs to do more says Senate speaker

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 13 - Everyone needs to do more to counter the steady stream of work-related deaths in Italy, Senate Speaker Ignazio La Russa said following the death of three workers in an explosion at the Esplodenti Sabino plant in the Abruzzo town of Casalbordino on Wednesday.
    "After this latest tragedy, which comes on top of many others, we adhere to the words of the President of the Republic on the need for everyone, government, majority, opposition and all State institutions, to do more to counter this steady stream of deaths and tragedies that strongly affects not only our humanity, but the civil coexistence of our nation," said La Russa.
    "In memory of these three latest victims, I invite you to join me in a moment of condolence," he told senators.
    Three people also died in an accident at the Esplodenti Sabino plant in December 2020.
    On its website, the company describes itself as "a world leader for the recovery of materials from military ammunition of demilitarization activities, remediation of contaminated sites, disposal of products containing explosives (airbags, safety belts, signal flares)".
    Wednesday's accident comes on the heels of a rash recent work-related deaths, including the death of five rail maintenance workers who were hit by a train and killed while replacing tracks at Brandizzo station near Turin on the night of August 30. (ANSA).

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