
Court suspends order to kill 'problem' bear F36

Trento TAR says animal should be captured

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 11 - The Trento TAR administrative court on Monday suspended an order by Trento Provincial President Maurizio Fugatti to put down a problematic female bear that recently allegedly staged two attacks.
    Bear F36 has been identified by genetic analysis as the one responsible for the attack that took place last 30 July in the locality of Mandrel against two young people and the 'false' attack on a couple of hikers on 6 August in the locality of Dos del Gal, in the municipality of Sella Giudicarie.
    The Trento TAR upheld an appeal presented by the Leal Odv animal-rights group and ruled that the bear should be captured and held at the Casteller wildlife centre. The courts have also suspended Fugatti's past bids to put down problematic bears, in particular one that killed a trail runner earlier this year.
    A man recently shot dead a popular female bear in Abruzzo after 'feeling scared' when he found her on his property.
    That case caused an outcry. (ANSA).

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