
Parents of truants to face up to two years in jail

Measure regarding compulsory schooling replaces 30 euro fine

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 6 - The parents or legal guardians of minors who do not go to school face up to two years in prison according to the draft of a decree addressing juvenile crime, youth problems and 'educational poverty' that Premier Giorgia Meloni's cabinet is set to examine on Thursday.
    The measure would apply to the parents or adults with legal responsibility for children of compulsory school age - until 16 in Italy - and would replace the existing 30 euro fine.
    The government is seeking ways to crack down on juvenile crime including by fighting truancy and ensuring that children complete their schooling obligations after several recent cases that shocked the nation, including the rape of two cousins aged 10 and 12 by a gang of youths in Caivano near Naples. (ANSA).

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