
Force families to send kids to school - Meloni at Caivano

Sanctions against parents insufficient says PM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 31 - Laws must be bolstered to force families to send their children to school, Premier Giorgia Meloni said at the crime and drug ridden town of Caivano near Naples which has one of the biggest drop-out rates in Italy and where youngsters are often employed by drugs gangs.
    "There are important norms against dropping out of school, but they must be strengthened in order to fight this phenomenon," she said on a visit to show solidarity after two cousins aged 10 and 12 were allegedly gang raped there last month.
    "School attendance is complusory but the sanctions for those families that decide not to send their kids to school are not sufficient" (ANSA).

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