
Boy, 7, stops car and calls aid after dad's heart attack

Grabs phone and calls emergency services in Bolzano, dad OK

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 23 - A seven-year-old boy stopped the car and used his father's phone to call for aid after the man had a heart attack and slumped over the wheel in Bolzano on August 15, the Corriere dell'Alto Adige newspaper reported Wednesday.
    The boy pulled his dad's foot off the accelerator and engaged the hand brake before grabbing the phone and calling emergency services after the 58-year-old man had the heart attack, it said.
    The man, who only had time to tell the boy he felt ill before collapsing, was taken to hospital where he is now said to be in good condition. (ANSA).

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