
Nursing home fire misfortune beyond comprehension - Delpini

Milan archbishop celebrates funeral of 6 elderly victims

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 21 - The fire in a nursing home earlier this month that left six people dead and dozens needing medical attention for smoke inhalation is a misfortune that is "beyond comprehension", Milan Archbishop Mario Delpini told mourners during the victims' funeral in Milan cathedral on Friday.
    "This celebration, in its austere solemnity, is not some kind of pathetic gesture of compensation for a misfortune that is beyond comprehension," said Delpini.
    "Rather, it is the dramatic encounter between the city's moved pity and insuperable impotence and the Word that speaks with an authority that is too high for any human word," he continued.
    Pity and impotence when they enter the church can become a question, a prayer. What happened that night? Human thought goes astray; home, life is devastated; institutions are powerless," added Delpini.
    Nadia Rossi, Laura Blasek, Mikhail Duci, Anna Garzia, Loredana Labate and Paola Castoldi were among 167 residents at the Casa per Coniugi (House for Spouses) home owned by Milan municipality but run by the social cooperative Proges on the night of July 7, when the fire broke out allegedly after a mattress caught fire.
    Several people including the director of the rest home have been placed under investigation for alleged homicide, culpable bodily harm and causing a fire. (ANSA).

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