
Turin prosecutor requests life imprisonment for Cospito

In review of sentence for 2006 Carabinieri cadet school bombing

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 19 - The Turin Public Prosecutor's Office on Monday requested a sentence of life imprisonment for jailed anarchist leader Alfredo Cospito in relation to the bombing of a Carabinieri cadet school in Fossano in 2006.
    The prosecution made its request during a second appeal trial against Cospito, a member of the Informal Anarchist Federation - International Revolutionary Front, to review the sentence for the bombing, currently set at 20 years.
    Cospito attended the trail by video linkup from Sassari jail, where he is serving a combined 30-year sentence under Italy's tough 41 bis prison regime for the Fossano bombing, in which two Carabinieri were injured, and kneecapping a nuclear company executive in 2012, for which he was given 10 years.
    In April 55-year-old Cospito suspended a hunger strike he began on October 20 in protest against his prison regime, which is normally reserved for Mafia bosses, after the Constiutional Court paved the way for his sentence not to be commuted into a life term for the attack on the Carabinieri cadet school.
    His appeals to be released from 41 bis, which mandates almost complete isolation from the outside world, have been turned down by Justice Minister Carlo Nordio as well as the courts.
    His battle against the regime not only for himself but for all other prisoners being held under it, including mafiosi, spurred anarchists in Italy and abroad to stage violent protests and arson attacks in his support. (ANSA).

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