
Interior Ministry to promote widespread migrant reception

Piantedosi rules out opening large collective centres

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 27 - The interior ministry on Thursday appeared to confirm Italy's current system of migrant reception based on the widespread model whereby migrants and refugees are accommodated in small reception facilities and integration projects run by the municipalities, ruling out the creation of new collective centres accommodating large numbers.
    During a meeting on migrants with Civil Protection Minister Nello Musumeci, National Emergency Commissioner Valerio Valenti and regional governors, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi also reportedly said the hotspot system providing initial reception for migrants and refugees would be expanded.
    Earlier this month the government decreed a nationwide state of emergency on migration in light of a growing influx of arrivals by sea that has put the national reception system under strain.
    Local administrators insist that the existing widespread reception model based on small integration projects run at municipal level throughout the country most effectively responds to protection and integration needs and promotes inclusion.

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