
COVID: Good Italy data, jabs essential - drug agency head

Crisis unit takes stock, vigilance to stay high says Magrini

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 30 - The data on COVID-19 in Italy are still good but it is essential to get the latest vaccines, the head of Italian drugs agency AIFA, Nicola Magrini, said Friday.
    "As far as drugs and vaccines, the Italian situation is currently under control at the moment. Our data are good and record a decrease of COVID infections. The important thing now is to get vaccinated and do the booster shots. This is a fundamental step to consolidate the results. The goal is to vaccinate in January all subjects at risk for age and pathologies, and fragile individuals of all ages, in January" said AIFA director general Magrini, who on Friday attended the Crisis Unit meeting at the Ministry of Health.
    "In the meeting we took stock of the epidemiological situation and we will maintain high vigilance," he said. (ANSA).

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