
Man stabs wife, daughter, self in home near Rome

Attempted double murder-suicide at Ladispoli

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 21 - A 49-year-old man stabbed his 48-year-old wife and their 17-year-old daughter before trying to commit suicide with the knife in their home at Ladispoli on the Roman coast on Thursday, police said.
    The man, 49, and woman, 48, are fighting for their lives while the girl is in less serious condition, hospital sources said.
    All three were found unconscious in a small bathroom where the events took place, and were rushed to hospital.
    The mother is in San Camillo Hospital, her husband at the Policlinico Gemelli Hospital and the girl at the Bambino Gesù Hospital, all in Rome.
    The attempted double homicide and attempted suicide came at the culmination of a violent row, police said.
    The man was named as Fabrizio Angeloni and his wife was said to be a teacher.
    He does not have a history of domestic violence.
    Prosecutors are investigating for attempted murder. (ANSA).

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