
5 get life in murder of tobacconist

Manuel Bacco shot dead in Asti in December 2014

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ASTI, JUN 22 - All five defendants in the December 2014 murder of Asti tobacconist Manuel Bacco got life imprisonment Tuesday from an appeals court in Turin.
    The penalty was raised compared to the fist-instance trial, when they got 30 years.
    Those sentenced to life are: Antonio Guastalegname, 52, a businessman from Castello di Annone (Asti), originally from Vibo Marina; Domenico Guastalegname, 27, from Vibo Marina; Giuseppe Antonio Piccolo, 29, from Nicotera (Vibo Valentia); Fabio Fernicola, 42, from Asti; and Jacopo Chiesi, 27, a pizzaiolo from Castello d'Annone, convicted of being the shooter. (ANSA).

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