
Camorra boss Cutolo's bid for house arrest rejected

Condition compatible with jail, COVID infection unlikely - court

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, June 10 - A Bologna surveillance court on Wednesday rejected former Camorra boss Raffaele Cutolo's plea to be allowed out from prison to house arrest for health reasons.
    The former charismatic leader of the Nuova Camorra Organizzata, 78, is serving multiple life terms for murder.
    He will stay in jail at Parma under the harsh 41 bis regime for high-security inmates including top mafiosi.
    According to the Bologna judges, his condition is not incompatible with prison detention and he does not run the risk of contracting COVID-19.
    They also noted that he remains a "symbol" for the Naples Mob and has retained his charisma.
    Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede recently survived two no-confidence votes after hundreds of mafia bosses were released to house arrest for health reasons linked to the virus crisis.
    He hastily passed decrees aimed at getting them back in jail and some have already returned from house arrest.

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