
We mustn't think battle is won-Speranza

Period of cutting health spending must now end says minister

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Bologna, June 5 - Health Minister Roberto Speranza said Friday that it would be wrong to think that Italy has defeated the coronavirus because the numbers of deaths and new cases are declining.
    "Today we are in different phase of this epidemic, but we must still be prudent," he said during a visit to Bologna for the opening of the second section of regional and national intensive-care hub.
    "We must not think that it is all over and that battle has been won.
    "The insidious enemy is still there. The maximum level of caution is necessary".
    The minister said it was also necessary for the political world to make the health sector a priority.
    "It is necessary to close and archive the season of cuts to the health sector," he said.
    "The rhetoric about there being waste in the health sector was an excuse to cut.
    "Now we are starting to invest in people again.
    "We have put in more resources in the last five months than in the last five years".

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