
Coronavirus: Infection curve back up

Rise of 4,492 in number of people positive for COVID-19

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 26 - After four days going down, the curve of coronavirus infection Italy started rising again Thursday, with 4,492 more people positive for COVID-19 than Wednesday, the civil protection department said.
    This compares to a daily rise of 3,491 on Wednesday, 3,612 Tuesday, 3,780 Monday and 3,957 Sunday.
    The department said 62,103 people are currently infected with the coronavirus in Italy. It said 8,165 people have died with the coronavirus here, 662 more than Wednesday. Wednesday's rise on the number of dead had been 683, while on Tuesday the rise was 743.
    It said 10,361 people have recovered from the coronavirus in Italy, 999 more than Wednesday. Wednesday's daily rise had been 1,036.
    The total number of contagions in Italy, including the deceased and the recovered, is 80.539.

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