
Romans to vote on transport co's future

Referendum on whether services should be put out to tender

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, November 8 - Some 2.4 million people in Rome will be called to vote on the future of the city's troubled public transport company, ATAC, on Sunday.
    The ballot boxes will be open in the capital from 8:00 to 20:000 so people can say whether they think the city's rail and road public transport services should be put out to tender.
    The city referendum was promoted by the Radical Party and a yes vote is being backed by the opposition Democratic Party (PD) and Forza Italia. Rome Mayor Virginia Raggi's 5-Star Movement (M5S) have recommended a no vote, saying the services should stay under ATAC.
    The Romans will also be asked about the possibility of creating new collective transport services with apps and-or on request. It is a consultative referendum, so the council will not be bound to act on it.
    The city has said it has a quorum of 33.3%, around 760,000 voters, although the organizing committee disputes this, saying no quorum should apply.

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