
Same gang beat me says witness

Same ferocity man tells ANSA

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Chieti, September 25 - A gang of armed robbers who cut off a woman's ear lobe in a brutal attempted burglary in Abruzzo at the weekend are the same that committed a violent robbery against a witness last September, he told ANSA Tuesday.
    "They're the same people, I'm sure," said Massimiliano Delle Vigne, who suffered a robbery and beating on September 5.
    "Even though I only saw eyes behind a hood and voices, everything fits: the head if perhaps a Puglian and the others are from eastern Europe".
    He said he was "convinced" it was the same gang that brutally beat a doctor, Carlo Martelli, and cut off part of his wife Niva Bazzan's ear lobe at Lanciano on Saturday night.
    Dele Vigne added: "In the first months the Carabinieri told us they were close to cracking the case, but then we didn't hear anything else form them".

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