
Voodoo for prostitution (3)

In Castel Volturno near Naples

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Caserta, February 14 - Voodoo rites were used on a Nigerian minor to make her prostitute herself, as well as beatings and threats against her family in Nigeria, police in Caserta northwest of Naples said Wednesday. Police arrested three people from Ghana and Nigeria: two women, Joy Kingsley, 48, and 38-year-old Edith Osazuwa; and a man, 32-year-old Seare Seth Asare. The girl suffered the mistreatment and rites at castel Volturno near Caserta, where there is a large African community, police said. The town, dubbed a 'banlieue' by the media, hosts some 20,000 foreigners, almost three quarters of them irregular immigrants.

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