
Police uncover pedophile network (2)

Trento police make 10 arrests, judge allegedly involved

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, October 13 - Police in northern Italy have busted a pedophile network operating in the areas of Trento and Bolzano, sources said Friday.
    Trento police arrested 10 people, conducted 47 searches and seized a large amount of computer material featuring the sexual abuse of minors.
    The network, which operated via a encrypted Voice over Internet Protocol platform, was tracked down by Bolzano postal police. A Reggio Calabria appeal court judge, 58-year-old Gaetano Maria Amato, is allegedly involved in the probe into the alleged network of pedophiles who exchanged images online, sources said Friday. The news of the man's arrest came out on October 2.
    The investigation started about a year and a half ago following the analysis of the computer of a 40-year-old man from Alto Adige, sources said.

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