
'Ndrangheta boss Vottari arrested (2)

Feud culminated in 2007 Duisburg massacre

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Reggio Calabria, March 22 - Santo Vottari, a 45-year-old 'Ndrangheta boss, was arrested by Carabinieri police on Wednesday in a bunker in the Reggio Calabria area, sources said. Vottari is considered the head of a clan that was involved in the San Luca feud, principally between the Pelle-Vottari and Nirta-Strangio clans, which culminated in a 2007 massacre in the German city of Duisburg in which six people were murdered. Vottari had been on the run since 2007 and must serve a 10-year term for criminal association.
    The fugitive boss was found inside a hide-out carved out inside a bunker in the Calabrian town of Benestare. Interio Minister Marco Minniti complimented police on their "excellent" work.

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