
Anti-mafia journo Orioles gets Bacchelli (2)

Life spent writing agst mafia says Fava

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 21 - Riccardo Orioles, a 67-year-old journalist who has spent his career writing on anti-mafia issues, is to benefit from Italy's Bacchelli Law giving pensions illustrious citizens who have fallen om hard times, the deputy chair of the parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission, Claudio Fava, said Tuesday. "Today, March 21, Day of Remembrance for mafia victims, for the first time a life spent writing on mafias and their unnameable friends is considered a title of civic merit", Fava wrote on Facebook. Fava said the pension also paid tribute to "a generation of journalists and citizens" who have resisted the mafia, such as Fava's father Giuseppe, who set up an anti-mafia monthly, I Siciliani, before being gunned down in 1984.
    photo: Giuseppe Fava's funeral

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