
Carminati probed for Fascist salute

Buzzi gave Odevaine 5,000 a month

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 13 - Police are investigating a Fascist salute delivered in a courtroom video link March 8 by Massimo Carminati, one of the two ring-leaders in the sprawling Capital Mafia case, judicial sources said Monday.
    It also emerged Monday that the other ring-leader, Salvatore Buzzi, paid Rome city police official 5,000 a month and paid rent for him in exchange for favours. Carminati, a former rightist militant and gangster, and Buzzi, the former chief of a raft of leftwing cooperatives, are charged with leading a gang that muscled in on lucrative city contracts.
    They were caught on wiretaps saying they could make more on migrant and Roma camps than drug traffickers earn.

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